Montecristo 1935 Leyenda
Montecristo 1935 Leyenda
Montecristo 1935 Leyenda
Ring Gauge | 55 |
Length | 165 mm / 6.5 Inch |
Strength | Full |
Size | Double Robusto |
Montecristo 1935 Leyenda
Montecristo cigars appeared in 1935 and have been among the most celebrated Cuban cigar brands ever since. The Montecristo 1935 Leyenda is a modern favorite created to honor the brand's storied past. The Leyenda delivers a thoroughly rewarding experience with a bolder blend of Vuelta Abajo tobaccos and a captivating 6.5" x 55 size.
The Montecristo 1935 Leyenda is a full-bodied offering with a chocolaty wrapper and an enticing cold draw. The smoke holds interest with a complex mixture of Spanish cedar, leather, candied walnut, and peppercorn notes. During a bold grand finale, some creaminess is detectable under waves of spicy flavors.
The Montecristo 1935 series brings Montecristo into the realm of big-bodied 21st-century smokes, and the Leyenda is a tremendous example. Each cigar helps to expand the possibilities of what future Montecristo cigars can be. The Montecristo 1935 Leyenda is offered in handsomely detailed lacquered boxes of twenty cigars.