Cohiba Robustos
Cohiba Robustos
Cohiba Robustos
Ring Gauge | 50 |
Length | 124 mm / 4.8 inches |
Strength | Medium to Full |
Size | Robusto |
Cohiba Robustos Overview
Cohiba cigars use the finest Vuelta Abajo-grown tobaccos to deliver what has become the ultimate cigar-smoking adventure for cigar lovers everywhere. Nowhere is the Cohiba legend better expressed than with the Cohiba Robustos. These 4 7/8” x 50 classics provide a great connoisseur-worthy adventure and an entry into Cuba’s luxury cigar world for casual smokers.
Smoking a Cohiba Robustos Cigar
Cohiba Robustos cigars enrich the experience with lasting leather and chocolate flavors. Nut and spice notes add complexity to the medium-bodied smoke, while subtle touches of orange peel add zest. Finally, a bold and satisfying finish is underscored by toasty and creamy elements.
Cohiba Robustos Experience
Cohiba Robustos cigars are go-to options for Cuban cigar lovers around the world wanting a mixture of rich character and value. Additionally, the cigar’s popular size makes for a convenient and rewarding way to enjoy Cohiba cigars anywhere. The Cohiba Robustos cigars are also great for pairing with your favorite food and drinks.