Cohiba Piramides Extra
Cohiba Piramides Extra
Cohiba Piramides Extra
Ring Gauge | 54 |
Length | 160 mm / 6.3 inches |
Strength | Medium to Full |
Size | Torpedo |
Cohiba Piramides Extra Overview
While cigar lovers around the world turn to some of Cuba’s most famous offerings, discerning cigar connoisseurs are often drawn to cigars that have escaped the spotlight. Cohiba Piramides Extra cigars may not share the prestige of other Cuban cigars, yet the 6.25” x 54 Figurados represent Cuban cigar making at its very best.
Smoking a Cohiba Piramides Extra Cigar
Chocolate, leather, and wood flavors gel with just the right amount of minerality to create a sophisticated, medium-bodied character. Floral and herbal nuances tease, while rich spice notes help build the smoke’s intensity. Hints of citrus pop up during the final third of the smoke, which finishes with a bold, creamy, full-bodied flourish.
Cohiba Piramides Extra Experience
The Cohiba Piramides Extra is a lavish sensory experience offering up luxurious aroma and taste. The cigar’s exquisite tobacco blend and unique shape make for a deeply complex, rewarding experience. The result is a mesmerizing smoke that is a worthy alternative to more famous Cuban options, like the Montecristo No. 2 cigar.