Cohiba Panetelas
Cohiba Panetelas
Cohiba Panetelas
Ring Gauge | 26 |
Length | 115 mm / 4.5 inches |
Strength | Medium to Full |
Size | Small Panetela |
Cohiba Panetelas Overview
Cohiba cigars continue to build upon a legendary reputation for delivering the best cigar-smoking experiences in the world. However, you don’t have to dedicate precious hours to enjoying the famous Cohiba character. The slender Cohiba Panetelas are 4.5” x 26 cigars that let you enjoy rich and flavorful Pinar del Rio-grown tobaccos whenever convenient.
Smoking a Cohiba Panetelas Cigar
Cohiba Panetelas cigars deliver an impressive array of flavors for such a compact size. Coffee, earth, cedar, and spice flow from start to finish. Sweet, creamy, and peppery notes are also present in the medium-to-full-bodied smoke. The finale approaches quickly, providing a robustly entertaining close to the short yet satisfying escape.
Cohiba Panetelas Experience
Cohiba Panetelas cigars are perfect for cigar enthusiasts searching for an alternative to larger Cohiba cigars that provides more freedom to enjoy a great smoke no matter the time or place. However, smoking these cigars more slowly is recommended to maintain a cool, well-balanced smoke.